Well, I for some reason wanted to do some more film photography, so I got myself a bunch of rolls of various forms of black and white stock. I also got a fresh bottle of Cinestill DF96 (because I am a bit cheap and a single monobath is still the most cost effective option).
The thing I mainly wanted to try out with this first roll was slow film. So I loaded my camera with some Ilford Pan F 50. I wanted to go further down the ISO range so I rated it at 25. Pulling it a stop. And I started shooting.
To my main dismay. I got about a dozen shots in… And I couldn’t ignore one thing. The thing being… that the roll-crank wasn’t moving when I cranked forward each new shot. I’ve seen this happen before… and I got saddened. It meant I fumbled the loading. I opened the thing up and sure enough. Not a single exposure was done on a fresh bit of film. I mean. I am a bit miffed about it. I mean. I had gotten some great shots of moose-poo, I thought!
Oh well. Reload properly. Some test shots. Yup. Now the thingy moves as it should. And a few days later. I have the roll fully exposed, I have it developed. And I start to scan.
And to tell the truth. Yes. I really liked the results… for the first half. But for the other half… Where I really commited to using my red filter to try to get extra contrast. Wow. There was pretty much nothing there. I mean. Out of 36 shots on the roll. I have deemed 21 sort of fit for public consumption. But really… the last few… No. Not only did I lose all sort of good contrast. But I also started seeing splotches from something in the developing. And there’s some light leaks during the long exposures…
All in all… Lets call it a learning experience.
Not quite sure though what I’ll load with for the next roll. I am tempted to do Ilford Delta 3200 at 1000. But I will need those rolls later on next week. But knowing myself.. I probably won’t be shooting much on film until then anyways.
Anywhoo. Here be the results that I am willing to share.