A still and an animation Double-Feature

This don’t happen often.

I just did another Twitch-stream and it ended up being about 8 hrs long. The result? One fairly finished picture and one 15 second long animation.

For the still I wanted to do it with a bit more intricate ink-line-work. I’m very much liking the inking pen I found in Krita.


And I went to town with the screen-tones. I do understand now why they are so darned popular among comic-creators.

And of course. For those that didn’t watch it (only one person did… and became follower nr 4!)

For those that didn’t see the full 8 hrs (I fully understand you have a life and such) so here the stream is, in a more simplified form. Sped up for your viewing pleasure:

Now I’m off going to sleep to the soothing sounds of Focus masterpiece: Hokus Pokus


Be seeing you!

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