No, It didn’t really sit right with me. The latest video being called “kaleidoscopic”. I mean. I liked the visuals. But it was not exactly “kaleido” just “scopic”. I think.
So, please here do enjoy an attempt where I go full on with the kaleidoscopic visuals.
Nearly everything on the audio side is produced with a few first takes with my Behringer DeepMind12 at various presets. recorded and layered with Audacity. There is some kind of electrical interference noise present that I need to troubleshoot. But overall I am very pleased with the result, even if the sound is a bit noisy and muddily mixed at times.
The visuals are all made in Davinci Resolve’s Fusion Tab. A single noise node being filtered and mirrored multiple times and colorized at the end by a second noise node.
Now please enjoy…
Well, I say enjoy… (looking awkwardly off-camera)